BIRR IVF Labware is developed and produced according to the highest quality standards. All our qualitative tests are performed in a state-of-the-art laboratory, which strives for continuous improvement on testing reliability and accuracy. This enables BIRR to ensure that labware products are safe and performant.


BIRR IVF labware certification and testing standards Dishes Tubes Containers Pipettes Other labware
MEA (+) test √+
FDA clearance
LAL test
SMA test
Produced in EU

BIRR IVF labware is registered in several countries in Europe, North-America, South-America and Asia.
When required, local regulatory registration will be established. For information about specific geographies, please reach out to us.

BIRR introduces its smART Labware label:

BIRR IVF labware with innovative feature and added value on ease of use or safety versus conventional labware

Overview Labware

ART Dish

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ART Pipette

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ART Container

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Other IVF Labware – microvial, flasks

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